Posts filed under: Productions


Tom is back with eight more Sunday Lunch menus to delight family and friends. Four main course menus are inspired by classic Sunday lunches served in Tom’s pubs; roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, individual venison pies with creamy mash and wine gravy, roast lamb with new potatoes and Tom’s amazing recipe for roast chicken. For the other four menus, Tom takes his inspiration from the most exciting and vibrant cuisines of the world. He serves up a Chinese feast of crispy duck pancakes, a Middle Eastern barbecue of grilled meats, a wonderful French seafood bouillabaisse and a Spanish chorizo and bean casserole. Tom’s amazing Sunday desserts include salted caramel apple pie, praline profiteroles and pear and chocolate tart. With his trademark warmth and humour, Tom shares professional tips, tricks and wisdom to ensure a relaxed Sunday in which every dish is perfect when it comes to the table.

And this time there’s a meat-free festive special: Tom Kerridge’s Veggie Christmas.

First broadcast from January 2024 on Food Network. 

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Soaring highs, nail-biting lows: working in hospitality is one of the best jobs in
the world but also one of the most pressurised – and never more so than

In this eight-part series for BBC Two and iPlayer, Tom Kerridge lifts the lid on
an industry we all think we know but few really do, taking us behind the closed
doors of some of the UK’s most interesting businesses (including his own) at a
pivotal point in their journey, to reveal what goes into delivering the perfect
customer experience.

He meets passionate, visionary, obsessive characters, and uncovers the secrets
to their success as well as the challenges they face.  Tom celebrates their
skill and creativity, offering hard-earned advice when needed, as well as taking
onboard a few lessons himself.

From pubs and cafes to restaurants and hotels, wedding venues and caterers
to pop-up food stalls and festivals – this is the hidden story of the UK
hospitality industry; how it works, how it’s evolving, and how to survive and
thrive in it.

First transmitted July 2023 on BBC TWO and iPlayer.

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A brand-new, exhilarating food show for Food Network, Britain’s only dedicated food
channel. In this charming 8×60 series, Tom Kerridge – one of the nation’s most adored celebrity
chefs – invites viewers to join him as he cooks eight amazing menus which take Sunday lunch to
another level.

Taking inspiration from the best seasonal ingredients and the most exciting dishes from home and
abroad, Tom takes viewers step by step through each delicious menu, ensuring that every dish is
perfect when it arrives at the table.

Tom puts his own unique spin on the typical Sunday lunch, showing us how to
elevate the traditional Sunday roast and how to cook Indian, Mexican and Italian family feasts and
even how to make the best home-cooked fish and chips.

This is food made with love and care to treat family and friends at one of the week’s most cherished
occasions. Drawing on fond childhood memories of Sunday lunch, Tom reminds us that this special
family meal is worth taking our time over.

And, as an added side dish, Bone Soup are also producing Tom Kerridge’s Sunday Lunch Christmas Special, where Tom takes viewers through some of his favourite festive dishes and shows
viewers how to make it a Christmas to remember!

Sunday lunch is Tom’s favourite meal of the week to cook and eat, and his enthusiasm is infectious in this wonderful new series!

First transmitted September 2022 on Food Network.

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British pubs, known the world over, have been part of our way of life for centuries. At the neighbourhood ‘local’, generations have unwound after a hard day’s work, toasted their victories and drowned their sorrows. To this day it remains the beating heart of our communities.

But this great British institution is in crisis. Between 2000 and 2019 over 13,000 pubs called last orders for ever. That’s one in four of our beloved boozers lost, never to return.

In late 2019 Tom Kerridge, landlord of three innovative pubs, decided to fight back on behalf of the industry he loves. He found four pubs in peril and threw his energy and business know-how into securing their long-term futures.

When Tom came on board, The White Hart, a remote Cornish freehouse, was barely staying afloat despite the support of its loyal locals. The landlords of the Prince Albert, a popular music pub in Gloucestershire, were hampered by the terms of their tenancy with a big pub company. The Golden Anchor, a once-vibrant leasehold in South London, had been left behind by neighbourhood gentrification.  And the Black Bull in Gartmore, Scotland, had just been bought by its local community in a bid to save it from property developers.

Tom urged these pubs to modernise and diversify what they were offering to suit the changing demands of pub-goers. He worked shoulder to shoulder with the publicans to make their businesses fit for the future. Things were looking up.

But, without warning, everything they were working towards came to a shattering halt with the arrival of Covid-19. All 47,000 pubs in Britain were forced to close. Now Tom’s own pubs faced a fight for survival too.

‘Saving Britain’s Pubs’ dramatically reveals the nation’s love of pubs and the compelling reasons why we must protect them.

First transmitted November 2020 on BBC TWO.

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Chef Tom Kerridge is back on BBC TWO in January 2020 with an exciting new series packed with healthy recipes and fitness advice. It’s firmly targeted at those of us looking for a New Year’s resolution after over-indulging at Christmas.

In two previous New Year series for the channel, Tom inspired the nation to diet (Lose Weight for Good) and embrace proper home cooking (Fresh Start). Now he’s turning up the heat with both weight loss and exercise. And this time it’s personal for the celebrity chef.

“I lost a load of weight a few years ago but lately I’ve seen it creeping back up. And I’m not as fit as I want to be at my age. So I’ve set myself and a gang of volunteers a challenge – to lose weight and get fit together,” explains Tom.

Tom and his gang of 11 volunteers have just two months to shed the pounds, get fit and transform their cooking and exercise habits for good. And this time round, Tom faces his stiffest challenge yet; himself…

First transmitted January 2020 on BBC TWO.

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In this series Tom Kerridge offers delicious recipes and practical advice to help families make a fresh start with food. Across six steps and six episodes, he’s inviting BBC TWO’s viewers to join him in a life-changing New Year’s resolution for 2019; “Cook great food at home and you too can be fitter, healthier and happier….  A fresh start for the New Year – for all the family!”

Tom Kerridge is a husband and Dad as well as an award-winning chef. A few years ago he made his own New Year’s resolution – to eat more healthily and take more exercise – which led to him losing nearly 12 stone. Today he’s healthier and happier and the changes he’s made are having a positive effect on his family too.

Previously, in Lose Weight for Good, Tom inspired a group of struggling dieters with his warmth, compassion and great recipes to lose weight while still loving their food. Now he’s focusing his attention on families. Tom believes that enjoying good home-cooked food together as a family is one of life’s biggest pleasures, as well as being beneficial for our physical and mental well-being. And to test whether home cooking can be a catalyst for all sorts of positive changes, he is launching a brand new, home-cooking experiment.

In the series Tom recruits eight families from his neighbourhood who aren’t cooking much – or at all – and are relying on convenience food for family meals. Some have never learnt to cook. Others are too busy to cook. And for many, pre-packed ready meals are simply what their family like to eat most. Concerned about what impact this is having on their family’s health, the eight families are all hoping that with Tom’s help, they can press the restart button on home cooking.

First transmitted January 2019 on BBC TWO.

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Celebrated chef Tom Kerridge runs two pubs awarded Michelin stars for their outstanding food. Now he has set himself a new and very personal challenge; to help a group of people from his neighbourhood to lose weight.

A few years ago Tom weighed 190kg. A combination of exercise and a strict diet has seen his weight drop by 75kg. Tom’s diet involved completely cutting out carbohydrates. It worked for him but he knows that cutting out an entire food group isn’t going to work for everyone.

So he is now putting his skills and energies into helping people to lose weight and still love what they are eating by cutting back on their calorie intake. Experts around the world recommend calorie reduction as the most effective and sustainable way to lose weight.

So why are so many of us still struggling with our weight? Our eating habits are partly responsible; we turn to convenience food and high calorie snacks rather than cooking at home. But Tom thinks the problem also lies in lower calorie food. It is perceived as boring and tasteless. And too often it’s served in measly portions.

In this series Tom recruits 13 local volunteers to test his new, lower calorie recipes in a 12-week experiment. Each is given a new daily calorie allowance they must stick to and Tom will send them batches of 15 new recipes to try every fortnight – 90 in total. According to the advice of health professionals, if they stick to their calorie limits, the dieters should each lose around half a kilo per week. This is no crash diet. It’s a lifestyle change. It’s all about changing eating habits slowly to achieve lasting weight loss.

First transmitted January 2018 on BBC TWO.

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